Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll have time tonight to post individual photos or videos on here. However, I do have the most noteworthy ones from today (Boulder campus of the University of Colorado incl. Fiske Planetarium, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, mountain trails surrounding NCAR) uploaded to the following Photobucket album: http://s914.photobucket.com/albums/ac342/ralager/Oklahoma%202010/May%204%20in%20Boulder/

This afternoon was pretty exciting, and this evening we got to watch plenty of hockey, so we're retaining our native culture as well!

Leaving bright and damn early (7:00) tomorrow morning for Norman, Oklahoma, which will be an all-day drive.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 3: May 3, 2010: Boulder and NCAR

Today we took a break from the road and stayed in or near Boulder, Colorado. We toured the National Center for Atmospheric Research in the late afternoon, from approximately 3-6 pm. Boulder has arguably the greatest concentration of atmospheric scientists in the world, many of whom work at NCAR. We had an excellent tour guide, and we were permitted to take photos and videos in any part of the building in which we were allowed. The facility is in the mountains just outside of Boulder, at an elevation of 6118 feet (about 800 feet higher than the city itself). The facility is an architectural masterpiece, and the view in all directions is breath-taking -- of both the city below and the peaks of mountains above.

Without further ado, shown below are some photos taken in and around NCAR:

Mountains seen on the way to NCAR.

Me, auditioning for the position of official greater.

Group picture (minus Tracy, who was kind enough to take most of the group pictures on everyone else's camera), taken upon arriving at NCAR, with the city of Boulder in the background.

Some local vegetation.

Another view of Boulder.

Some more majestic peaks.

One of the first Cray-1 supercomputers ever used, decommissioned in 1986.

An instrument that was used long ago (in the '60s?) to take samples of the stratosphere and mesosphere.

Another group picture (again minus Tracy - plus our amazing tour guide, Tim Barnes, on the far left), in front of Bear Peak (8400 feet).

Hopefully someone has better footage than I of the interior of the facility. Anyhow, it was a fascinating tour and a fascinating facility. I'm sure that most of us will be back.

P.S. For more photos (and some video), go to the following link: http://s914.photobucket.com/albums/ac342/ralager/Oklahoma%202010/

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Edmonton to Billings

Day 1: We drove approximately 1300 km, from Edmonton to Billings.

I've yet to find an image-hosting site that will allow me to post multiple pictures in a blog post, so if you want to see pictures from the first day, you'll have to go to the following Flickr page (or add Ryan Lagerquist on Facebook): http://www.flickr.com/photos/49867671@N06/

Will have much more soon!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oklahoma 2010 Trip Blog!

This blog will (hopefully) be a source of updates from the University of Alberta's Atmospheric Science Student Group's 2010 journey to the States. General questions or comments? Leave a note here.